Lately, I've had a number of things in the works, art and things connected to art. One was putting together the gallery of winning paintings from the
latest Watercolor Society of Oregon Exhibit to go online. Lots of good paintings are there with considerable variety for a traditional transparent watercolor show.
Karen Vernon was the juror for this WSO Fall Exhibition.
Then there was setting up the online entry for the next exhibition which will appear in Eugene (OR) in March.
The big time crunch now is getting ready for a one-man show which will be held in Albany City Hall for the month of December. There are a number of paintings and collages to mount or frame. Documenting all of the pieces is another part of the process. I found a
recent blog post, "Delivering Your Art to an Exhibit Venue: What to Expect", by Alyson B Stanfield, which should come in handy since it has been a while since I have had such a large show.
I'll add photos here soon of some of the artwork that will be included in the show.