Friday was a day for waterfalls at Silver Falls State Park. This spring was a very wet one so the streams and falls were flowing strongly. The first waterfall, below, is a very small one on the way to North Falls.

North Falls was difficult to photograph because of the wind created by the falls shooting spray toward the vantage point near the base.

Lower South Falls is fun. The trail passes behind the waterfall and, as usual, was a very wet spot.

Below is another view of Lower South Falls from far enough along the trail to escape the mist.

South Falls is probably the most visited waterfall at the park, being the largest and most easily accessible. A trail also passes behind the falls here and under a huge cave-like overhang of basalt .

Water is always noisily pounding the pool at the base of the waterfall.
1 comment:
Second to last picture, with the long drop, is very peaceful. Could sit there for hours.
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